RAD Friday
Friday, 12 March 2021 / Published in RAD Friday
The times, they are a changin’… or revealin’! The last year forced me, probably most of us, to question what we do and why. I am oddly thrilled to share the result of this soul searching today.
McKay Williamson Artists
Friday, 26 February 2021 / Published in RAD Friday
For many of us the past 12 months has brought about a renewed and profound appreciation for our families. Spending more time with some of our closest loved ones, while separated from others, has brought a lot of focus to the importance of making sure our families know how much we care about them.
McKay Williamson Artists
Friday, 19 February 2021 / Published in RAD Friday
If my database is working, this email is going to men. Mother’s Day is in four weeks; I don’t know about you, but in my house, mummy has bourn the brunt of lockdown. If this is the year for a spectacular Mother’s Day, this is the email for you. 👍
Saturday, 06 February 2021 / Published in RAD Friday
It’s said the cure for anything is salt water. Through sweat, tears or the sea, we can find whatever catharsis we need. I’ve tried the first two, so the cure for Lockdown must be a visit to the sea. Since that isn’t happening any time soon, today’s theme is a virtual, creative visit to the sea.
RAD Friday
Friday, 22 January 2021 / Published in RAD Friday
I’m having a dry January. After the habits I got into last year, when Lockdown 3 hit I didn’t want to revisit that rabbit hole! It’s probably helping me feel focused, too. 😂 I feel immense energy right now, and I think its helping me develop ideas, including some really cool entry level things we can do completely online (two in today’s reveals).
McKay Williamson Artists
Friday, 08 January 2021 / Published in RAD Friday
Some art is dreadful. To that snivelly person in the back that says, “but wait, isn’t all art subjective?!”… er… No. Today’s links are undeniable proof that some art (and design) is so bad, it’ll not only make you laugh, but teach you something about good art (and design) in the process. 😂🤓
RAD Friday
Thursday, 24 December 2020 / Published in RAD Friday
Since it's the most popular link from these emails, I have three Reveals to share with you this week. My little Christmas Gift, you might say. 🎁🎁🎁
RAD Friday
Friday, 18 December 2020 / Published in RAD Friday
Last week I turned 50. As you probably know, we produce a lot of thoughtful, creative projects for these sort of milestones, so I should have known something would be made for me. Somehow, I was still surprised, and I was still moved. I got to experience the feeling we try so hard to create for others, and it was friggin’ great.
Nick Veasey Artwork
Friday, 20 November 2020 / Published in RAD Friday
With the high street shops closed, we are super busy with Christmas deadlines. It seems everyone has to be more creative with buying gifts this year. What can I say but, hallelujah! 😂
Friday, 06 November 2020 / Published in RAD Friday
To start, a quick word about our approach to Lockdown. Our visits with clients are not social visits, and most cannot be done remotely. The government’s guidelines clarify that professional video shoots can continue, and say nothing about photo shoots, so we’re still doing both. I try not to make this newsletter an overtly sales-y email… but we’re open for business 😊